7 Card Stud Rules

How To Play 7 Card Stud Rules

​​​​​​​At Seven Card Stud Poker each player must ante to be dealt in. The ante starts the pot and the amount of the ante is set by the game limit. Each player is dealt individual cards, beginning with the player to the left of the dealer. The action proceeds clockwise from the low card bring-in. When playing 7 card stud each player, in turn, has the option of:
  1. Folding,
  2. Calling the bring-in,
  3. Raising (on the initial round the 1st raise is a completion and not considered a raise).
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  • Each player is dealt two cards down and one up, (the up card is referred to as a 'door card'). The low card - designated in alphabetical order, by suit - clubs, diamonds, hearts, spades - starts the action with a 'bring-in' bet. The amount of the bring-in bet is set by the game limit.
  • The next card, dealt up, is known as 4th street, the high hand starts the action. If a pair shows on this round, the player/s have the option of: 1) checking, 2) betting the small bet amount, 3) betting the big bet amount. Example: $4 - 8 stud. Player A pairs his door card. Player A may check, bet $4, or bet $8. If Player A bets $4, player B has the option of calling $4 and raising $8 more for a total of $12, or just calling $4 or calling and raising $4.
  • The next card, dealt up, is commonly called 5th street. If a player bets, they must bet the big bet amount.
  • The next card, dealt up, is called 6th street, the betting is the same as 5th street.
  • The last card is dealt down, called 7th street or the 'river', the betting is the same as 5th street.
The best five cards play in Seven Card Stud Poker game. Aces play high or low.

Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo Regular

A 7 card stud poker game that is played in identical format to 7 card stud - with more than one difference noted. Players can make high or low hands to win all or part of the pot, there is no qualifier on low, in this respect the low is similar to RAZZ. Another factor in the game play that mimics RAZZ is the high card is forced to ‘bring-in' the bet on the first three cards dealt. On the fourth card dealt, the low hand starts the action. If a pair shows in the first four cards dealt, the small bet limit is still in force, the only stud game that allows the ‘big bet' on the fourth street pair is 7 card stud. Players may use any combination of five cards for high and five cards for low. Aces play high or low.

7 Card Stud 8 or Better

7 Card Stud 8 or better or 7 card stud hi/lo as it is commonly referred to, game play is identical to 7 Card Stud except for the fact that one is trying to make a high or low hand or both and on ‘fourth street' if a pair shows, the small bet is in effect instead of allowing a player to bet the big bet.
The low hand must qualify by showing five cards that are eight or under to win the low half of the pot. If there is no low hand, the high hand wins the whole pot. Any five cards may be used for high and any five for low. Aces play high or low.
Once you have learned the basic Seven Card Stud rules, it is time to read poker strategy articles and start playing online. Try low limit tables or fun money first and only when you feel satisfied with your game, move to higher limits. Check for the best online poker room on our poker room ratings table. See you at the tables!


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